PULSE: A Memoir on Life, Near Death and a New Life


All-Ireland winning Tyrone footballer, Mickey Coleman had his life in New York in order. A beautiful wife, two great kids, and a building firm which was thriving. His daily routine was straightforward. Out of bed at 5:30am. The daily commute from Pearl River into Manhattan. Work involved him leading a team of over 100 people as President of Shoreline Builders Inc. Later, the return trip back home would normally see him reach the house around 6:30pm. Amid a hectic lifestyle, he kept fit too. An evening run around Pearl River ticked that box.

On Monday, 21st March 2021 shortly after returning home Mickey set off for a run. A matter of seconds after recording his personal best time for that run, he suffered a widow-maker heart attack. The ‘widow-maker’ heart attack affords only a 6% survival rate. Orangetown paramedics worked frantically on him. On three occasions he flatlined the heart monitor. Mickey Coleman survived.

This is his life, and his near-death. And his new life that began…

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